Thursday, 10 January 2013

January Update

I am getting ready for the race season with my first event being 24 hours of OP in mid February. There is a lot to think about and get organized when it comes to racing a 24 hour. Fitness is of course one of the main components. I can thank Shaun for kicking my butt since December!

I have been trying to ride outside as much as I can. I have the ICE Piker Pros on my Heckler which are working great. They are especially good in the ice, which was tested out last weekend at Nose Hill with Steve & Dave.

A little winter riding.

When I can't make it outside it is time to hit the trainer with my road bike. I took it into Speed Matrix  for a bike fit to make sure everything was dialled in. Rory took me threw a flexibility assessment then got me warming up on the trainer. Every thing was looking good in terms of fit. We decided to flip the stem and discussed taking out a spacer or two in the Spring when I am back riding outside. Most of the work had already been done with my first visit back in May for my race bike. Rory discovered a leg length discrepancy so he sorted that out with shims for both shoes. That really helped out as I was having a lot of lower back pain at the time. They do a great job at Speed Matrix using their Retul System. I like that you get a report back with all your bike measurements and angles.

The report

Nutrition is another key component. I have been using Infinit Nutrition since June 2012. I use it for my training, racing and even cross training when I am out back country skiing. Infinit is all I have been using for 24 races. A combination of no caffeine, caffeine and Jet Fuel blends. The Jet Fuel has no protein so it a good one to use to flush out the system if you are getting a bloated belly. I try to use it every 4-6 hours.

Thanks to Infinit Nutrition Canada for stocking me up.

Lights are also of course key for  24 hours. Thanks to Exposure Lights USA for sending me the new Six Pack and Diablo lights. Looking forward to seeing them. I used these lights in the Canmore and Texas races and they worked great.

More updates as we get closer to race day! Have fun and ride safe!